Organic & Food Safe Timber Coating Road Test : Oli Natura Worktop Oil

100% solvent-free surface protection

22 NOV

Organic & Food Safe Timber Coating Road Test : Oli Natura Worktop Oil

Oli Natura have created a 100% solvent-free surface protection for worktops based on linseed and tung oil. The following is the application process step by step : 


Before applying oli natura worktop oil, ensure the surface is sanded and dust free

Step 1 : Surface Preparation

Sand the surface to 180 or 240 grit and clean the surface by blowing away dust and clean with a dry microfibre cloth.

Ensure your Oli Natura Worktop Oil is mixed well by shaking the can well

Step 2 : Application

Shake the can to ensure the contents are mixed thoroughly.  You can pour a small amount directly onto the surface, likewise for larger areas application with a roller or brush

Work the oil into the surface

Work the oil into the surface of the timber using a clean cloth or brush.   Allow some time for the oil to absorb into the surface.  Before 30 minutes has passed, use a clean cloth to buff the surface ensuring there is no excess remaining.

Coated and uncoated timber using Oli Natura Worktop Oil.

Oli Natura Worktop Oil will beautify the wood and deepen the contrast and colour of the grain as seen in the example above.

Dust resistant in a short time

Step 3 : Drying

Within 2 hours the surface will be dust dry, however for full cure a week should be allowed.  In this time, protect the surface from moisture and any disruption.

Oli Natura Worktop Oil is an excellent solution for cheese boards, kitchen benches and more.

Step 4 : Enjoy

After curing time is complete the surface will be water resistant and food safe, so you can load it up with plenty of tasty nibbles, sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labour.  Well, that’s what we are going to do!