Aqualis Bamboo Sealer is a water-based topcoat for bamboo surfaces. It enhances transparency, offers good adhesion and flexibility, and withstands sunlight well.
1. Clean the surface with Aqualis Bamboo Clean to remove grease, oil, grime, sap, and other contaminants.
2. Use water-based Timber Clean to remove solvent and water-based oils.
3. Sand painted surfaces to raw bamboo or use water-based Strip Ease followed by Timber Prep to neutralize the surface.
4. Do not apply Aqualis Bamboo Sealer on wet bamboo.
5. Apply the first coat of Aqualis Bamboo Sealer using a brush, pressure spray, or rag. Wipe off excess and allow 1-2 hours to cure.
6. Apply subsequent coats evenly. Usually 2 coats for bamboo screening and up to 3 coats for outdoor furniture.
7. Note: Color will deepen with more coats.